November 3, 2012

  • Pinkhoneysuckle Holiday Sale

    It does not seem appropriate to be sending out intentions for Holiday Sales at this time,  but here is the vivid truth — That all of us who publish our books would like to, make back the money we have in the book, and for you who,  like me, hit the time exactly when Kindle opened the first big E market, and Barnes and Noble have their Nook now, and more are apt to come along with less expensive self-publishing;  Then we are our only voice in how our books get sold.  Xanga gives us Plugz, but I need a letter from anyone stating that I sold my book that way;  But it does seem to open the door to friends.  I just want to give Xanga A great big thank you from me and for all of the rest of us walking around like zombies endeavoring through everything from begging, offering ways of earning a trip to San Francisco plus making money for your home church by the sale of Pinkhoneysuckle — Which I warn is an adult book, so there are not terms which are truth other than what is written, and I can say with full confidence that there is not a word in the book which I have not heard a Christian, or Jew, or any other religion on the face of the earth say at one time or the other.  We are human beings, and we do not speak the language of the Saints, ao to offend no one, their are words which are bleeped often from television, but it is not a book that from page to page robs the book of beauty, truth, or human tradgedy by sparing words.

    Please do not buy it for your children then.  Please do not buy it for Saints, but I think Wizards are allowed secret talk amongst themselves, so who knows what they say.  I did a bookshow in Sonoma, California, and I would allow people to choose from the baskets of what I can reasure you is not fine jewelry – Though most does not turn your neck green, and I cannot be responsible for any health issue which comes from jewelry which comes in to places like Sears and Target, but people liked the little extra.

    “Pinkh oneysuckle,” is about A Womans life beginning in childhood in the Appalachians.  Her life is similar to that of thousands of women who kept their mouths shut where women and children knew whippings and felt despair.  It is about forces of good and evil when the USA decides to Murder the South.  Crops are limited. Money not to plant found people without, And The Factories in the north needed workers.  From here a Diasphora begins. Fathers leave to try to hold on.  Mothers try to work like men, but already have too many mouths to feed.  White and black children are put in the cotton fields which are left. “Pinkhoneysuckle,” affirms that even older men left behind see women as objects to use for pleasure; but worse they see children, so fear is always barging in.  The cities like Chicago send the Appalachians mainly to the flood plains, so; Surprise, it floods, and they get one mess cleaned but live in the soil where the rivers wash in filth, trash, and debrie.  Now the cheap wine bottles stack up, so we have drinking men doing horse labor; Get a trip home now and again, make more babies.  Gardens feed us in spring and summer, but only what we got canned fed us the rest of the time.

    Change the channel them, for Welfare comes in, then the country starts getting filled with more trash, cheap wine, so now mothers and older boys are checking out to see if it fells better to be drunk.  We have again, little kids going hungry, for not enough money is  getting home; Welfare takes the will of people to get off their butts, but among all  that is going on, we have a whole lot of what looks like back and white slavery, and this book is going to take you then, and your going to go North.

    Next you watch a child become a woman. And there is:  Madness which creeps back and forth, So she escapes to Washington D. C., and from here you are going to follow a love story, but you are going to meet users, losers. hope hope vanquished, and Sex is a lesson learned, for the old waves of shame kept whispering.  Work lives evolve, and a social status is walked in to, and one thinks it is Divine, that Angels have led the woman where she is, but the woman is not ordinary.  She has you laughing hysterically one minute, convinced each love is hers to own, for is that not what sex is, a promose of love?  I will tell you that this book can be read by a woman or a man and you will be shaken.  Maybe that is why it got Honorable Mention in The San Francisco Book Festival 2012, and a First in Hollywood as most apt to be found by other media such as a Movie, and I am working on it.

    Meanwhile I am going to open my own little home book festival here where you can order a book from me now until December 10th at 706 Sanchez Street in San Francisco.  For a Christmas festival of my own offer, I will sign the book however you like it, and mail it to the address that you request.  I will sell the book to you for the 15.00, sign it wrap it or include a piece of wrapping paper and send you one or two of the gifts which I gave in Sonoma which will be worth sweet gifts to any young lady on your list.  I think that I shall send two things, because I want to make you happy.  One check of 15.00 dollars and two small gifts sounds like a deal to me, and I will pay your postage after I receive your request at the above address.

    “Pinkhoneysuckle,” was well received in Sanoma, and since no one has opted for offers before; Then the Christmas one shall be my last, but your check must clear; Therefore, it is easier if you order from Amazon, just not as fun.  I am known for surprise pakages, but only take checks or dollars.  I would use standard postage and not book rate, so do not worry about that.  There you have it my last attempt at marketing the book on my own. and sometimes;  I just let a treat fall in the bag.  Again, though I promise that I take no responsibility for items sent, other than to see that I make an honest effort to make you happy.  No returns, and I will keep records of hour and moment sent.

    So than you; God Bless You, and Happy Holidays.  Lovingly, Barb Heintz



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