October 9, 2012

  • No Pills For Weightloss Ever From Pinkhoneysuckle

    I have gotten a second not regarding something I would not advise in any form, in any manner, to any person.  Never ever; Never even then without knowing the side effects and discussing the situation with your physician or nutritionist — Never Ever, Please; Never take any pill suggested as an answer to weight loss unless you are seeing a physician licensed and double licensed to give advice regarding weight loss.  Please, and after this one, I am contacting Xanga do not presume any ad slipped in about weight loss is from me, and it is showing up around some of my blogs.

    Ladies and Gentleman; someone is using my blogs for their filthy ads, for usually any pills that have come out for this purpose has led to death in the worst cases, great sickness in others, and these adds are unrelated to me or to my family or to anyone whom I have or do work with now. Anorexics kill their bodies with laxatives, for chronic diarrhea is weight loss inducing.  It is also miserable, painful, and these same laxatives can cause enough of an electrolyte imbalance to lead to death.

    Some cultures value large bodies, for it is seen as a mark of those who can afford plenty of food,  and some people drink their own urine, but that does not mean that such things are good for you.Worse, what you are putting in your mouth as a great danger of mixing with the medications you need settting you up at the risk of dying, because they knock out the benefit of many other medications.  Your body is not a test tube to mix up a collage of medications from over the counter, and if you have chronic diarrhea, for instance, one stool sample will show whether or not you are causing your own problem.  In my nursing days when people got long hospital stays, I finally found a chewing gum a patient was having brought in to keep her food to constantly rush through her body, so the food was  not being absorbed.

    Why would anyone opt to stay in a hospital you ask?  In those days, especially, when insurance companies would not have you kicked out on the street with a box of depends when no culprit was found causing your problem; Then some of those people just needed love that much, and once a long time ago, in this land; We nurses were taught to spent time with the patients who had such psychological issues and to see how we could get them off to psychiatry where people might have a chance to even bond with other patients, or then to try the new world prozac.

    We are so cruel to each other, such pathetic beings that we leave other people feeling that left out of the human race. Are there intolerable people? Over twenty years of nursing, I think that I can honestly say there were only about two patients I could find nothing good to say about, so that tells me there once was a time when people felt more loved than they do now. Even those patients, I had to suck it up and go through the pain of caring for them, and I did not realize that I could finally say that someone else had to do the job, because I did not feel as if I was conveying what they needed for healing.


    If people have developed a relationship of friendship with me, I might go in a round about way and suggest something which might be helpful.  I am going to usually add a question mark though, or will explain that, “From my experience, this is what I have learned — My experience, and that means it is not a cure all statement.

    If you read my book, “Pinkhoneysuckle,” from Amazon, I have suggested that it is adult reading, and I mean that, for it is not up to me to teach you or your child about sex, relationships, and coming of age. But sex is in there, and it is vividly written, so if you are offended; For God’s sake, do not buy the book and complain.  It is in there in some brutal ways, because of exposure to evil people, so if you do not want your child to no about incest; Do not let them read it.

    God being with me, I wrote what happened to me to help, and if one child is saved by my wretched young life, then let it be.  I wrote it as it happened and so some smart allecks might learn why PTSD does not just go away one day like magic, so I would ask people who are adult and have had the luck not to experience such hurt, Please do purchase my book, for you need to know that there is evil hiding in many places, and do not force children to go and give hugs to, “Good old Grand daddy,”  There is nothing apt to have changed since he had his hands all over you.


    That is how I help, and I pray for forgiveness that for some I have not a clue what to do for you.  Meanwhile, if you know someone who wants to make a film like, The Grapes of Wrath, or Fried Green Tomatoes;  Only showing what happened to my family and a million other Agrarian folks; Then ouryou sure could help me by purchasing my book or Kindle, or rent for free — “Pinkhoneysuckle,”  my book, because I need some friends to help me out here.  That is the way I learned to live, and I can tell you that some are going to waste your time and life reading about a certain former Presidential Candidate’s sorry little affair eased his wound while his wife had breast cancer; So if you are going to waste your money on that kind of excrement;  Think of checking out some of our Xanga books first, for we are not endeavoring to make money off the dead, plus the woman looks sort of like an insect.  Again, we Xangans can do a lot of things better. 

    God Bless,

    See You On Pinkhoneysuckle!







Comments (10)

  • Your articles pee comprehensive signified out of apiece theme.http://www.insightpsychotherapy.com.au

  • Dear Friend,I hope that I will always be the first person to tell you that I have no idea what you mean, and most of my physician friends along the way would admit that after being in psychotherapy for several years that they, too, have to leave it to the labs to scientificlly share  with them the contents of body fluids;  and yes, “Pee,” is not what should be the first term for health professionals, but it certainly gets the point across.You must have some intent to teach us something, so please do share more, for perhaps you are certified as a psychopharmacologist, and that is an admirable certification.RespectfullyBarbara Everett Heintz, “Pinkhoneysuckle,” Amazon Book// Xanga Blog

  • @elemsham@twitter - Dear Friend,I appreciate that you would send such a response, but I do not know what, “Site,” is, but I trst the American Medical Association to the extend that if every person such as I who have a weight problem;  Had they the answer to such a condition such as obesity, I believe with all of my heart and soul that people would be in lines out the door to get such a product.  Not for one minute would I disclaim something which I know nothing about, but it has got to pass a scientific model of success before I am going to seek treatment with itI was not certain if you were using a play on words — an easy error to make, since sight, and looking at myself day in and day out knowing that, “From the very sight of myself,” I woulld be inclined to think that a thinner body would ease my knee pain, my back pain, and just make me look better in general.  That should be enough — if you picked up on the  spelling which means, “Visual appearance,” for I know that I am putting pressure on my internal organs, because I am not disciplined enough to turn away from excess sugar, fat, and salt and turn to water al the absolutely healthy and preferred liquid which my body needs.  Using that thinking and terminology, you would be telling a known and simple truth.  If you are suggesting a supplement that is a weight managment pill;  I would be skeptical – erI endeavor again and again to not deface another person’s experience.Here is an experiment for some folks, for there are enough diet books on the shelves of thrift stores than there are of about any other book thrown away, and do you know who has bought them?  It is people such as I, and we have gotten all excited, lost 7 lbs in two weeks, telling all of our friends and neighbors about the same books, for so many of us are fighting this known battle called obesity.  We will spend money if they have shown us their diets will work.  Maybe a year later we are just a shadow of our former selves, but then we have a couple of weddings, baby showers; “Oh Yum,” some Holidays thrown in there,”  and our jaws drop after we decide we can bear to weigh back in, because we will note that we put the weight back on faster than we shed the pounds, for we have denied our body things we need or just things we love, and I am going to confess to the latter, for I love sweets, wonderful crab meat dips, dark chocolate covered almonds, and my guess is that, sitting all of this in front of me would have some kinship to being a heroin addict.”I have said that I am an overly educated nurse, for I just kept taking courses, graduating with far more classes than I needed to graduate from a four year nursing program, but I learned a lot along the way as well.  One of the things I have learned is to endeaavor not to jump on the boat of such books, pills, or other which guarantee weight loss, for even on a lousy diet and with laxatives, you can lose seven pounds in two weeks, for you are depleting yourself of fluids, or you are denying nutrients, and I have met patient after patient who feels free to talk to me about such issues.  “OH yeah;  I not only have a nurse who will break her back for me, but she has a wight problem too, so we have a night’s worth of conversation right there, but once more, I would hear the same stories over and over again.Is, “Site,” a pill or a liquid?  Does it list it’s ingredients?  Will you take time to look up every one of those ingredients in the MERCK Manual. a rather sophisticated medical manual, but it also uses language which lay people can understand.  At the end of looking up those ingredients, I am going to guess that you have found most or some of the following:  Vitamins, minerals, maybe some fish oils, fiber, and some solution which is going to make you void more, and depleting yourself of liquids might sound innocent, but you will be depleting yourself of electrlytes as well, for so many things you need from your brain to your toes is water soluble;  Therefore, a little diuretic goes a long way in sucking water out of the fat cells.  Now that surely is lay person terminology, but our fat cells, are loaded with water.  If you were not talking about a pill or a a liquid which you take;  Then you have my deepest apologies, for site and sight are often confused — Just like I murder no and know, so please understand that I am not just being a smar aleck, for I groan and hurt for people just like me.Here’s my good features; I am not wrinkled anywhere.  Fat does not hang down my neck, for like brown spots, if it is there, then I am going to find myself a good physician and get rid of it.  If I dress up, I am apt to look younger than most people my age; but I prefer not to put make up on very often, for if done well;  It is time consumming. I am taller, and working hard all of my life;  I do not have a lot of flabby muscle; but adipose tissue is just a fancy name for fat, and women tend to look better with a little weight on us;  Sorry ladies; but it is the truth, for we even appear to have some mammory tissue, though we, too, will see an end to that — Just later.  Meanwhile our bones and joints hurt so much we could cry, and we feel like cows in a room full of skinny women who are aiming for that model size of 1 to 00 small.  It looks like hunger on younger women, and worse on older women, and those dainty little figures are not going to give you the extra calories you need to do battle with cancer, and not even diabetes.  Low blood sugar will kill you a whole lot faster than high blood sugar; So could we please have some intervention as to how we are teaching our daughters that starvation is the way to perfect bodies.”Self,”  what is it?  Be careful what you share with your friends without a medical license, and one last interesting point is this.  I saw pictures of myself, my mother, and my two grandmothers, and the other three have long left this life,  one, from a blood clotting disorder which I have, and she died the youngest of the three, and she was the fattest — less trim, of all of us, but each of us was over weight, so as I looked at them;  I saw me, and I felt anxious about my future, for only my mother had lived today’s life span and more, dying at age 85.  I saw my paternal grandmother’s body, and I could see some of my mother’s face, and then I think I wound up feeling as if I looked more like the paternal side of my family, none which is interesting to you;  But as far back as I could see;  I saw no skinny grandmother — Not one!No matter what, “Self can not do,” it cannot beat the genetic component, and I have sisters who do, just becaause it is that important to them to wear smaller sizes.  They work hard at keeping that weight down, so what I need is a load of whatever becomes, The discipline gene,” and that is among the factors which has to have a huge behavioral component to it.   ”Lord,” would you just kick me in the ass and leave me as disciplined  as my two elder sisters, though my baby sister is way cute too, but, she has a whole decade younger than us. and age was another big marker as to when the weight came on — after a total hystorectomy,” but I lean and pray that to see a grandchild graduate from college — Maybe Harvard;  To see my grandaughter be happy, well, and without childhood burdens she faced; Then won’t you help me, “Gracious Lord,” and for this person who endeavored to send a helpful note, then I hope we both bot something out of iit, for they are a blessing — Those who show kindness.Thank you so much, and I will keep an ear open for, “Self.”Barbara Everett HeintzAuthor of, “Pinkhoneysuckle,”  — Book on Amazon, Kindle Ready, or From me — Amazon is easier.Xanga Blogger, Pinkhoneysuckle

  •          Hello again; Once more we have the language barrier, so  I see that someone must be helping you to my Xanga writings.  Usually, you can find an interpretor at a University.  I will have to delete other messages, not out of disrespect, but I just am a little older myself, and I would guess that you are younger.  You are most kind to have contacted me, but I send prayers and good wishes to you.Blessings, Barbara Everett Heintz – Amazon Books — “Pinkhoneysuckle,” Kindle Ready.I am honored that you have found my site, and feel sorrow that I cannot even begin to read the beautiful script.  God Bless.

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